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2009年4月29日 星期三

推薦Linux HA公正機構網址 是一個非營利的、公正的機構,提供Linux高可用性系統(HA-High Availability)的科技、專案研究、與解決方案,網址如下:
裡面有豐富的資源與技術資料,有空去看看,會有很多的收穫。 也提供跟 HA 相關的技術資料,例如 Linux HA 的 File System,為Linux高可用系統提供了重要的基礎建設。
Three types of filesystem technologies are important for Linux-HA:
  1. Journalling filesystems
  2. Cluster filesystems
  3. Mirror filesystems
Journalling filesystems allow takeover of shared/mirrored filesystems to occur rapidly in cases of failover.

Cluster filesystems allow disks to be shared read-write between all members of a cluster simultaneously - which is highly desirable for many parallel applications.

Mirror file system can write the same file to two or more different systems on the network in real time, breaks through the barrier that formally confined computer system to the single standalone resources model and enables single system to be integrated into the Cloud or geographically dispersed network cluster systems.

對Linux HA有興趣的朋友,推薦去逛一逛。
