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2011年10月13日 星期四





這「備份」指的是backup這個字眼,意義是被重複製作的資料副本,同一個資料副本可以被製作成多個「備份」並且放置在不同的地點;「備份」也可以依時間被切割為互相堆疊的多重副本,諸如年備份、月備份、周備份、與日備份等等。簡單的說,「備份」指的多次的資料抄寫 (copy)

而「複製」指的是 replication 這個字眼,意義是一次的資料抄寫 (copy)


就像當初人民不再效忠東漢王朝一樣,資訊系統也到了揚棄 backup 的時候,繼而轉進到即時資料抄寫的 replication

隨著資訊技術的進步,大量的資料可以被壓縮、重複的資料可以被刪除、網路的傳輸更快速、資料的複製更即時,資料的保全堂堂進入異地複製的時代。吾人預言,以後所謂的資料備份,不再是多副本多地點存放的 backup 備份,而是單副本異地存放的 replication 複製。



1 則留言:

Steve Jobs 提到...

I am impressed by your depth of knowledge in Chinese history and literature, and how you connect them with 21st century computer high technology.

The 'backup is dead' is a good catch phrase. One thing that i have pitched before is that the backup is a 'spare tire'. The 'spare tire' in usually put into truck of your car and never touch. But when one of your running tire is flat, you need to take the 'spare tire' out of your truck and mount it on the wheel. That is a lot of works and only the 'black hand' (specialized IT guy) can handle it.

Also, the 'spare tire' may not be good since you have not used it for a long time. In that case, the 'black hand' can not help.

On the other hand, the 'replication' is that both 'tires'(systems) are running at the same time, when one tire is flat, the another one takes over right away. No interrupt and no need for a 'black hand' to do the dirty work.