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2009年6月19日 星期五

Customer Testimony 客戶證言

“The TPS Real-time backup and high availability solution is surprisingly easy to use. The backup system can be any type of server. There is no need to use an extra centralized fiber-channel storage sub-system. The best thing about this solution is that one can install and set up the whole thing in just few minutes. For a busy professional IT administrator, this is an ideal choice. ”

「TPS的即時備援系統意想不到的簡單使用,備援機只要一般等級的伺服器,不需要光纖、集中式儲存設備等額外的周邊設備,即可架構整個即時備援系統。最值得稱道的是,TPS幾分鐘就可以完成安裝設定,對一個工作繁重的資訊管理人員, 是最理想不過的選擇。」

Kevin Dai
Manager of Open Power Information

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